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The Humboldt University of Berlin (German: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, abbreviated HU Berlin) is a public research university in the central borough of Mitte in Berlin, Germany. The university was established by Frederick William III on the initiative of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher .. Finance Group @ Humboldt — Finance Group. If you want to pursue a PhD in Finance at Humboldt University you need to first apply to the PhD Program of the BSE (erlinschoolofeconomics.de . 2093 - 99428: tim.adam [at] hu-berlin.de: Bruche, Max: DOR 1, 307: 2093 - 99472: max.bruche [at] hu-berlin.de: Horst, Ulrich: RUD 25, 1.202: 2093 - 45452: horst [at] math.hu-berlin.de .. Hounsfield unit | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org. Hounsfield units (HU) are a dimensionless unit universally used in computed tomography (CT) scanning to express CT numbers in a standardized and convenient form uni-max.hu. Hounsfield units are obtained from a linear transformation of the measured attenuation coefficients 1.This transformation (figure 1) is based on the arbitrarily-assigned radiodensities of air and pure water:. Hustlers University 4.0 | Join Here by Andrew Tate. After the initial shutdown in 2022 by the matrix and global banking system, we have since officially relaunched as Hustlers University 4.0/The Real World with our own private platform, fully uncensored and protected from any matrix attacks uni-max.hu. Hustlers University currently has over 220,000 students.. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. With OPEN HUMBOLDT, the university is now venturing - in the spirit of its founders - on an "expedition" with an as yet open outcome. Diversity at Humboldt-Universität. Humboldt-Univeristät is currently discussing Black Lives Matter, discrimination and institutional and structural racism. More Topics.. 100+ "Max Hu" profiles | LinkedIn. There are 100+ professionals named "Max Hu", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities uni-max.hu. View the profiles of professionals named "Max Hu" on LinkedIn. China University .. Dr. Qinhong Hu | Department of Earth and Environmental Studies. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Texas Arlington. Office: GS 205 uni-max.hu. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 817-272-5398. For nearly thirty years, Dr. Hus educational training and work experience have focused on fluid flow and chemical transport in porous and fractured media, in the intersection of the hydrosphere, geosphere .. Kallol Ray — Ray Group uni-max.hu. 2006-2008 — Postdoctoral research under Prof. Lawrence Que Jr uni-max.hu. at the University of Minnesota, USA. 2009-2015 — Junior Research Group Leader at the Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany within the Uni-Cat cluster of excellence. 2016-present — Prof uni-max.hu

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